About Us

GOALSAREUS is more than a catchy domain name.  It is quite true! Since 1972, Curriculum Innovators & Implementors, Inc. has provided educational materials and support to adults interested in improving their own record of goal accomplishment as well as teachers of presehool - post-secondary students and parents who want to learn how to coach the maturational development process at work in their students/children.


Growing up is not an easy task, but with appropriate tools in hand and the use of specific coaching strategies, teachers and parents can encourage and support their students/children as they learn how to navigate life's troubled waters. 


"How to get (and keep) your act together" is a theme of our work that is both concrete (re: specife skills and strategies) and visionary.


We look forrward to helping you make your vision for your students/children a reality. 




Kathryn Atman, Ph. D.

Phone: +1 412 8351434

Email: kayatman@verizon.net


Dr. Kay Atman is an Emeritus Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh.  As a member of the School of Education faculty from 1970 to 2004, Dr. Atman worked with teachers and administrators in Pittsburgh and other school districts in the greater Piggsburgh area to improve the educational performance of pre-school to post-secondary students. She also has worked with individual parents and parent groups to promote coaching skills as a premier strategy supporting the maturational development process in children and youth.



Since 2004, Dr. Atman has continued her research in the area of student achievement motivation and brain-based personal self-regulation skill development for adults  She is now making her educational programs available to you through goalsareus.com. See What's New for news about Dr. Atman's work.

Name, Position, Contact Information

Where to Find Us:

Curriculum Innovators & Implementors, Inc.
P. O.Box 12868

Pittsburgh, PA 15241, USA


Phone: 412-835-1295


Email: kayatman@goalsareus.com


FAX:  412-835-6143

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